Friday, June 12, 2015

Surprisingly Sunny

Well, as I have said before, the forecast is more often wrong than right. Today, the clouds cleared, it warmed up and it began to dry out. I didn't have much to do but I decided I better just let the bees be bees for today.

Kyson and I rolled down to Lowes to waste some time. I found some lemongrass plants I had to have. While pokin' around their scrap bins, I found a nice piece of 3/4 inch plywood. FREEBEE! Now it is a slatted bottom board for Doris' hive.
We will have to try to get it installed this weekend.

I have read a lot about these slatted spacers. They offer many benefits to the hive year 'round. Beekeepers who use them swear by them. I am hoping it will help keep the winds away from the frames, and some of the moisture below the brood.

This design will keep the frames elevated an extra two inches above the entrance. The wide shelf at the front channelizes the atmosphere away from the bottom of the frames keeping the queen, brood, and bee cluster warmer and drier. The added space below gives larger crowds someplace to hang out when it gets hot around the brood cluster and effectively helps the bees manage the hive temperature. Also, the slats act as a bottom to the hive, preventing burr comb in the open space, but allow mites and debris to fall through to the screen bottom.

I am excited to offer this accessory to Doris. I believe every little bit will help.


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